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What Are The Benefits Of Drive Medical Exams And Tech?

There are many benefits of drive medical exams and technology for those living with disabilities and want to be able to functionally and independently operate a motor vehicle. The point of this process is to both assess the ability of the participant to operate a motor vehicle in spite of their impairment, and then professionally prescribe solutions that make up for their shortcomings so they can safely share the road with others.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of drive medical exams and the technology necessitated by them.


Boosting the confidence of participants

Obviously, one of the greatest benefits of drive medical exams and the outcomes they enable is that the self-confidence of participants is increased dramatically. Independently operating vehicle is a big responsibility even for able-bodied people, so it means a lot when someone who has a disability can overcome their impairment and take on this responsibility.

This is of course very important as a part of improving the lives of people living with a disability. It’s no secret that giving those with impairments ways to overcome them and participate in the same way everyone else does is the key to ensuring they can be as happy as possible.

This is a great process because it acknowledges the difficulties faced based participants and seek to sincerely help them. When the end result is that a disabled person can safely use a vehicle in their life, then the process has been successful.


Leveraging technology

Another great thing about drive medical assessments is the way it leverages modern technology combined with medical science to enable people with disabilities to overcome difficulties with using a motor vehicle. There are all manner of technological wonders that have been developed that help people with a wide range of disabilities overcome them and be able to use a vehicle safely.

Of course, not all disabilities can be overcome to an adequate extend and this is where a drive medical assessment would be useful in determining that it’s safest if the participant did not attempt to operate a vehicle. While this is an unfortunate outcome, it is ultimately for the best in terms of protecting the life of the participants and the lives of others on the road.

Some of technology that has come out of drive medical assessments is quite innovative and has helped many people. These tools range from steering aids, special types of seating and chair lifts that allow wheelchair users to easily get in and out of the vehicle.

There is even technology that allows wheelchair users to transition into an operating position behind the wheel without leaving their wheelchair. This makes the vehicle specifically modified for their needs and allows them to live the best life they can.


Should you get a drive medical assessment?

If you or someone you know has a disability and wants to be able to use a motor vehicle safely, then it may be necessary for you to undergo this type of assessment. The testing will be quite like a regular vehicle exam, except the examiner will take special consideration of where your impairments get in the way of using the vehicle.

Hopefully, the information above has given you some valuable insight about drive medical assessments and why they are so beneficial.