Categories Lifestyle

3 Things To Look Out For At Australian Skateboard Shops

Australian skateboard shops are becoming more and more popular, as the ‘skater’ trend has made a resurgence in popularity. Alternative fashion and skating comes hand in hand, and both have seen a huge surge in popularity within the country recently. As natural as it is for a young inner west yuppie to go thrifting, it is for them to go to Australian skateboard shops for their latest decks and trucks. These types of stores will offer a large variety of different products, including decks, trucks, nuts and bolts, tools, clothing and other similar accessories. Everything you could ever need for this hobby can be found in these stores; however, it is important that you go to one that is of a high quality, otherwise you may get ripped off and/or receive low quality products which will not last long at all, costing you more in the long term.

Here are 3 things to look out for at Australian skateboard shops.

Good selection of products

A good Australian skateboard shop should have a good selection of products. You will usually see these products hung up on the wall as you walk in, however they should have a general supply of decks either in the back or elsewhere within the store. A good selection of products is a perfect indicator that the Australian skateboard shop is well versed in the skate world and is up to date on current trends, stocking the newest and best decks possible. Not only this, but they should also have the latest accessories available in order to ensure that you are able to upgrade your current deck with the newest products. A good store should have all of these things as an indicator that it is professional, and if it does not then it is not one you should trust as it will be outdated and not worth looking into.

Knowledgeable staff

The staff working at the Australian skateboard shop should be knowledgeable in the industry. They are there to help you after all, and as such, they should know about what is good, what will work well with your situation, what the current trends are, how a deck works with tools and accessories and so on. They should be your point of reference within the Australian skateboard shop and therefore need to be knowledgeable on the subject. Ideally, they should also be skaters themselves so they have firsthand experience of what they are selling, and can therefore give helpful tips and recommendations through their own experience. Someone who does not even skate will not really have a clue as to how it all works and should not be trusted. An Australian skateboard shop should therefore have knowledgeable staff for these reasons.


The location of the Australian skateboard shop should be within an area with a high proximity of skaters. This makes it easy for their target market to access them, but also provides convenience for trying out new decks. They should be located within an area that has a younger generation located there, as this is better for their business. Moreover, the location of the Australian skateboard shop tells the customer that they are up to date with current trends, as if they are in an area with a young demographic, then they are up to date with the changing populations every year.

In summary, these are the things you should be looking out for in an Australian skateboard shop, as they will determine whether or not they are worth going to for your products and needs.